Faces we love...Sophie Eadie from Broken Head Company — Brookfarm Skip to content
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Faces we love...Sophie Eadie from Broken Head Company - Brookfarm

Faces we love...Sophie Eadie from Broken Head Company

"To consistently make our products with love, gratitude and the best intentions"



We partnered with the Broken Head Company at the recent Byron Bay Writers Festival, using their milks for our all day breakfast menu

Here's a little catch up we had with Sophie to find out what makes her product so special....

1. What inspires you?
My family and friends, and the people who've walked the path before me, enduring and succeeding. I'm also inspired by my desire to grow, to challenge myself in the best possible way to be more evolved than I was the day before.
2. Define living simply in todays world?
Surround yourself with people you love and who love you. Authenticity and integrity simplifies a lot.
3. Had you made milk before starting the Broken Head Company?
No! Can you believe it! The first time I made coconut milk it was already with the idea of making it available to my local community in Byron Bay because it wasn't available anywhere at that time (even Australia wide!) and I loved the idea of it, and when I tasted it that was the decision made!
4. What's your favourite way to start your day?
Snuggling my man!
5. Do you have a daily practice or ritual?
Keeping my space and myself tidy and beautiful, making wholesome, nourishing food, being in the sunshine, moving my body, smiling and laughing.
6. Coffee or tea? 
Both! Coffee, and peppermint tea.
7. What’s next for Broken Head Company?
Making ourselves more available to the people who want us - you'll start to find us in more stores in Sydney, Mel
bourne and Adelaide over the coming months. We're really excited for this!
8. How many snuggles do you eat in a day!? They are DELICIOUS! How do you stop yourself?
Hmmm... sometimes none, sometimes 3! I still love them as much as ever! Luckily I don't have a crazy sweet tooth, so stopping myself isn't too hard.
9. Travel bucket list? 
Oh goodness... how long have we got?! Seriously though, I'd love to travel everywhere, I get so much inspiration when I travel, I become wiser when I travel, I feel enlivened when I travel, and my senses, my mind and my heart all open further with each destination. Top of the list at the moment... either Central America or Morocco.
10. What does COMMUNITY mean for you?
Exchanging kindness, listening, sharing, supporting, encouraging, allowing, aligning, unifying, transcending self. Communities can take various shapes and sizes, and I think ideally should leave you with feelings of goodness and togetherness.
Where can you find Broken Head Company?
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