Sustainable harvesting, the key to good business and life — Brookfarm Skip to content
Sustainable harvesting, the key to good business and life - Brookfarm

Sustainable harvesting, the key to good business and life

Here at Brookfarm, we believe sustainable harvesting is the key to good business and life. We pride ourselves on using Australian ingredients and supporting Australian farmers.

Brookfarm, founder Martin Brook, recently visited the natural salt lakes just north of the Grampians in Victoria, where for a fortnight the team from Mount Zero Olive Grove, along with local indigenous Barengi Gadjin Land Council land council members, had harvested, sustainably, salt from the lake. This project not only ensures that the lake and its natural environment is protected but supports the GADJIN land council members and their families. Mt Zero Olives is owned by Neil and Jane Seymour and their promise is to "Only harvest what we need”. Their values are aligned.

Pink Salt

There is a community promise to look after the salt plains, because there is a deep and generational sense that these salt lakes have always provided for this community. The project employs local Aboriginal people and a royalty is paid to the land council for every kilogram of salt that is extracted. The harvest is all done by hand, there is no machinery used in the process. With shovels and buckets, a small team make shallow cuts into the lake's surface and scrape the salty crystals into bins ready for processing. The harvesting operation run by the Seymour family, focuses on minimal impact to the lake. Of utmost importance to the Barengi Gadjin people is that “we are gentle on the land”. At Brookfarm we welcome this most beautiful ingredient into our bakehouse. It is sourced sustainably and provides the most perfect seasoning to our premium nut blends. Later this year you will see Brookfarm’s new look ‘earth elements’ nut blends released; our Walkabout and Brothers Blend range. The Mt Zero pink lake salt aligns with Brookfarm’s deep brand values and we are proud to support an all Australian business, that employs the indigenous custodians of the land. We eat real food, we take care of our environment and we farm sustainably, as do our partners. Source: ABC News - Pink Lake harvest provides 'best salt in the world' and beautiful reason to stop for a photo

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Environment. Community. Real Food.

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