There’s Always Time to Take Some Time... — Brookfarm Skip to content
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There’s Always Time to Take Some Time... - Brookfarm

There’s Always Time to Take Some Time...

"Be Alone but Not Lonely"

  There is such pleasure in finding solitude and if you take time to seek it, you will reap the benefits – for your mind, body and spirit. Solitude is the desire to be in your own presence and enjoy your own company. Even for the most extroverted of us, its important for many reasons to shut off for a while and truly take some “me” time. In this fast paced world juggling work, relationships, kids, family life and friends, many consider taking time out a luxury and guilt can set in. Finding time to spend alone can seem more trouble than it’s worth. But it is worth it. It’s without distraction and only yourself for company when you can fully unwind. Your brain has a chance to be quiet and still which in turn improves concentration and gives you a chance to think deeply. It’s an opportunity to be balanced and self-aware and often leads to looking at what motivates you and what inspires you - a discovery of your passions. Spending time with yourself, gives a healthier mindset and improves happiness. So you can forget the guilt because a happier you, means you’re better equipped for the relationships in your life – those around you benefit too. How you choose to enjoy your own company is completely up to you. A swim, a drive, or a walk. Pack a picnic and lie under a tree. Have a massage, eat lunch alone or simply read a book. Invest in yourself and see the positive effects on your life and relationships. There’s always time to take some time.


      Photography by Nelly Le Comte Siren Song dress by @spell_byronbay

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