Our Inspiration | Brookfarm Skip to content
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Free shipping over $70 OR shop NEW Low Sugar $50 Bundle to include shipping

Our Inspiration

As a generational family business, family influence has played a huge part in the inspiration behind Brookfarm’s product range.

With a love for good health and the great outdoors, Pam’s father and one of Victoria’s skiing legends, Mick Hull, was the inspiration behind the original Natural Macadamia Muesli and Walkabout Fruit & Nut blends.

“Our kitchen used to be filled with jars of oats, bran, nuts, grains, seeds, dried fruits and secret ingredients my father would specially request. He would then blend a new mix each week until the ideal combination was achieved,” says co-founder Pam Brook. Mick was passionate about both muesli and skiing and was one of the early pioneers of downhill skiing in Australia. He skied until he was eighty-four, winning gold medals in the over 70’s and later in the over 80’s slalom races. At the age of 79 he came in second in the world’s over 70’s Giant Slalom championships in Austria.

Inspired by Mick’s love of the great outdoors and devotion to Victoria’s highest mountain, Mt Bogong, Pam and Martin Brook created a range of high-quality fruit and nut blends called the Walkabout range. Mick always carried in his pack a home-made trail mix and called it scroggin. His last climb of his beloved mountain was at the age of 82.

20 years on and our product development extraordinaire, Pam, still finds inspiration from her family and friends.

The Keto Paleo Granola was developed to help a friend’s fight against cancer when she couldn’t find a true keto product that was high in good fats and low in sugar. The idea for Brookfarm Bloom on the other hand stemmed from the desire to nourish Will’s children (Pam’s grandchildren) with real food.

The Brooks are passionate about family business and how they can be a business leader in sustainability, innovation, health, business culture, farming, and genuinely benefiting the community.
